
Renovation of the Porsche Experience Center Leipzig. Please note the impact on our offers in the period 25.11.2024 - 06.04.2025.

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Factory Collection

If your thoughts only revolve around Porsche, you belong on the circuit.

At Porsche, the path from the circuit to the road - and vice versa - is a short one. Many developments are derived from our experience on the racetrack. You can feel the passion for motorsport everywhere at Porsche - for example when we hand over your vehicle in Leipzig. Just one reason in favour of the factory collection in Leipzig. We have a few more in store for you.

Bring some time with you, we have a lot planned for you. You can look forward to an exciting day in the Porsche world of experience - and to the dynamic vehicle handover. Find out below what the factory collection in Leipzig has in store for you.

Note Renovation work: Every Porsche needs to be polished to a high gloss every now and then. The Porsche Experience Center Leipzig will also undergo necessary renovation work from 25.11.2024 to 06.04.2025. In the period from 25.11 to 13.12.2024, we will make a small pit stop and will not be able to carry out Factory Collection. From 14.12.2024 to 06.04.2025 we welcome you to the Porsche Showroom at Poststraße 7, 04158 Leipzig. We look forward to being able to offer you all components of the Factory Collection in full again. The Porsche Circuit can be used regularly for dynamic vehicle instruction. The programme component of the factory tour is also possible without restrictions. The vehicle handover and the 3-course menu of your programme will take place in the Porsche Showroom.


Approach Porsche Showroom

Dynamic handover of the car

A Porsche wants to be driven. And you want to drive. You will be at the controls of a Porsche car, provided by us, that is identical to yours. Sitting next to you, your co-driver – an experienced Porsche instructor. Before you, the circuit. Here you can sample Porsche Performance up close and get to know your car at the same time. For you it's the dynamic search for the ideal line. We simply call it a dynamic demonstration of the car. Theory the Porsche way.

Want some more driving? Please go ahead: on our off-road track. You and the Cayenne will tackle sensational off-road modules here. The instructor will explain the car's relevant controls – and give you some tips and tricks on how to make effective use of the enormous power when off-roading.

Please note that in the winter months there may be restrictions on the driving event for safety reasons if the weather conditions are suitable (snow- or ice-covered track).

Factory tour

Take a look behind the scenes: the factory tour takes you into the heart of Porsche Leipzig – the production area. This is where the Panamera and Macan are produced according to the latest technical principles of modern module production. Talking about production: first of all we assemble the body and cockpit – the control centre for the driver to be. Then we install the inside roof and windows – with pinpoint precision. This is followed by work on the interior and exterior and connection of the engine and gearbox. Then the marriage: the uniting of drivetrain and chassis with the body. There follows the first drive, when our test driver personally checks the quality of each individual car one last time on the FIA-certified Porsche on-road circuit. We would like to point out that, for internal operating reasons, a full guided tour of the factory is not always possible.

An exhibition of historic and current cars

A brief journey through Porsche history awaits you at the top of the Experience Center. The changing exhibition of cars – with an exciting mix of historic and current vehicles – offers you a fascinating insight into Porsche’s past and present: a journey through time, through many decades of sports car history. Please understand that the full exhibition of our cars might not always be available to view due to private events being held in the Porsche Experience Center.


Of course, the factory collection also includes an exclusive lunch in our restaurant. Enjoy an exquisite three-course meal and the panoramic view over the on-road circuit.

Handing over the car

You have now almost reached your destination: your Porsche. For the handover of the car, your instructor will accompany you to your new car and spend time presenting and explaining all of the details to you. Then the roll-up door opens. Have a good journey.

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Fuel Consumption and Emissions

Panamera Turbo E-Hybrid (WLTP)*

1,7 - 1,2

l/100 km

11,7 - 10,5

l/100 km

39 - 27


29,9 - 27,6

kWh/100 km





Panamera Turbo E-Hybrid (WLTP)*

Fuel consumption/Emissions (WLTP)*

Fuel consumption weighted* (PHEV model range): 1,7 - 1,2 l/100 km

Fuel consumption empty battery: 11,7 - 10,5 l/100 km

CO₂ emissions combined* (model range): 39 - 27 g/km

Electrical consumption combined (weighted) (model range): 29,9 - 27,6 kWh/100 km

CO2-Class combined (weighted): B

CO2-Class empty battery: G